VICTORIA BECKHAM: Things That Make People Go… Hmmmmm!

I know that Victoria “Posh Spice” Beckham is a style icon for many, the same way Paris Hilton is, but I really don’t get her at all. She’s lauded right and left for being fashion forward and ever so relevant. But really, what does she do? She seems only famous for being famous for being… well… famous!
To her credit, she’s definitely better dressed than Paris Hilton. At least, she gets dressed, makes sure to dress accordingly when exiting vehicles, and doesn’t get arrested for drugs at airports. She’s a classier, more polished, answer to fashionable celebrities –yet, a pretentious and somewhat boring one.
Recently, she’s been photographed right and left wearing stunning faux furs. Yeah, right! The stuff is really good and 100% biodegradable. I’m not sure if this comes out of her or her PR machine, because who’d believe it. It’s got to be the PR machine. Seriously, why bother lying?
If Mrs. David Beckham happens to be going the inorganic route, perhaps she should reevaluate her past and current relationships. Fashion-wise, there’s Marc Jacob who’s been showing some pretty funky fur looks for his namesake label as well as for Louis Vuitton. Oh, and let’s not forget the collection with fur pieces she was working on with him by the way!
Also, what’s the point at publicly reprimanding Elizabeth Hurley for wearing the same thing she does? It’s one of those things that make you say… hmmmmmmm!