Fall 2018’s Investment Pieces to Buy NOW, Wear Forever

We are admittedly going through a style overhaul for fall 2018 and reevaluating the validity of investment pieces in our wardrobe. It started innocently the other day when we were trying to organize our sweaters for and realized that I have piles of fast-fashion pieces in bins that seemed like a steal at the time, but in the cold light of day, a season or two later, are just trendy junk! But, there is light at the end of the tunnel, because we’ve learned that the “buy once, buy well” philosophy is cheaper and smarter in the long run. See, you can teach an old dog new tricks. Here’s our list of must-have pieces that cost slightly more now, but will definitely stand the test of time in your wardrobe rotation.
Clean and Classic – Investment Pieces

Making A Statement – Investment Pieces

Luxurious Fur Trims – Investment Pieces

Sport Luxe – Investment Pieces