End The War On Fashion… Here’s How You Can Help!

With much speculation and murmurs circulating following the fur ban ordinance introduced in San Francisco, the fur industry, and consumers of luxury and fur fashion, are hitting back hard with an organized grassroots consumer advocacy campaign to let legislators around the country hear our plea to protect consumer freedom and to help end the war on fashion.

As we’ve reported before, this is an issue not based on the merits of sustainability; after all fur and fur fashion products are easily recycled back into the natural ecosystem with little if any harmful footprint of their existence. No, this is an issue of controlling one’s right to choose and be controlled. Speaking with fur industry spokespeople, what’s clear is that this is a fight which needs to be fought on a micro level so it doesn’t expand to more wide-reaching areas of consumer’s everyday life and livelihood. According to the fur industry, if the freedom to choose matters to you, then NOW is the time to get involved and prove that together we are STRONGER!

FUR Today…. Meat, Leather and Wool Tomorrow; they say. Just check out the recent billboards in New York’s Times Square targeting McDonalds.

In response, the fur fashion industry is imploring consumers of fur fashion, and even those who just hold sacred the freedom of choice in their daily lives, to stand with them and join the fight to push back on extremists whose goal is to infringe on the rights and freedoms of consumers. Being that FurInsider is unapologetically fashion focused and fur friendly, we cannot stand on the sidelines. Fashion is as much about stylish coverings, as it is about freedom of speech and self-expression.
Here’s how you can help… It’s as simple as 1-2-3:
- Click on the link below and contact the legislators in your local area
- Copy, paste and share the below copy to your Facebook and Twitter pages
- Tell your friends, family and colleagues to do the same
FUR Today…. Meat, Leather and Wool Tomorrow!
Spurred by animal extremist groups who promise campaign support and donations legislators in some cities are attempting to take away consumer’s freedom of choice. If this is not your idea of progressive government, or democratic principles, let lawmakers know that enough is enough! The time to act is now… Simply click on this link (www.consumersforfreedom.org)
The choice is clear; freedom fits everyone “To a T”! Get involved now.